Welcome to MOPper World! This website is dedicated to the hard-working math students who participated in the Mathematical Olympiad Summer Program, or MOP (often incorrectly abbreviated MOSP, but that term has other meanings).
MOP is a four-week three-and-a-half week three week camp every year in Lincoln, Nebraska where the 30 winners of the USAMO spend hours every day doing math. At least, that’s what the Zumbot would like you to think. But MOP is about more than just math! This website is a collection of literature, pictures, and other material from the fun side of MOP.
- August 14, 2004—MOP 2004
Yay! Pictures and quotes from MOP 2004.
- August 24, 2003—MOP 2003
Some content from MOP 2003 is now available.
- May 24, 2003—MOP 1997 Field Guide
The MOP 1997 Field Guide, which has been missing for a long time, is now available here. Thanks to Lawrence Detlor for providing a copy!
- December 22, 2002—Take the Nerd Test
How much of a math nerd are you? Take our simple Nerd Test and find out!
- October 5, 2002—MOP Dictionary
The MOP dictionaries from 2000, 2001, and 2002 have been combined and extended into a single MOP Dictionary.