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MOSP Without an “S”

Written at MOP 2000 by Austin Shapiro

[to the tune of “Istanbul (not Constantinople)”—may require creative scansion :-)]

MOSP with an “S” was MOP without an “S”
Now it’s MOSP with an “S,” not MOP without an “S”
Been a long time gone, MOP without an “S”
Now a rookie’s fright
On a thund’ry night
Every gal at MOP without an “S”
Is at MOSP with an “S,” not MOP without an “S”
But that means little, I must confess
For there are only two at MOSP with an “S”

Even Ro-ma-nia
Was once spelled with a “u”
Why’d they change it? I can’t say
Titu just liked it better that way

So take me back to MOP without an “S”
No, you can’t go back to MOP without an “S”
Been a long time gone, MOP without an “S”
Why was the “S” installed? By whose decree?
Nobody has a clue but AMC!


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