Title: MOP Dictionary
Front: dictionary
\ah' lee\
n. ('00) A vowel-bearing tree.
[Abbott scratch]
\ab' et skrach'\
n. ('02) Ludicrously extensive scratch work turned in during the [ELMO].
\air oh' bee\
\air' oh bee\
n. ('00) A frisbee-like object, often thrown on inaccessibly high roofs.
\a' lef nuhl'\
n. ('02) The cardinality of the set of Anders' [juggling] balls; known to be greater than or equal to 19, and, in fact, conjectured to be equal to 19.
[all your]
\ahl' yohr'\
base. ('01) Are belong to us.
\am' gam\
n. ('00, '02) abbr. The Arithmetic Mean-Geometric Mean inequality, a popular inequality used in [bunching].
n. ('00) abbr. All Girls, All Math, a group of hard-studying girls who do modular arithmetic (also: AG-AM).
n. ('02) abbr. All Math, Guys Mostly (see: [MOP]).
n. ('02) Obscure inequality stating that MOP > AG-AM.
vt. ('00) To apply the AM-GM inequality.
ant. ('00) [Cauchy].
[anagram tiles]
\an' e gram' tilez'\
n. ('01) A set of scrabble tiles in which the second blank is an S.
\ant ark' tih kuh\
n. ('00) A southerly continent with no native population but two internationally competing math teams.
\a' pel\
n. ('00) A thing to be counted in a problem of Gabe's lecture.
n. ('01) A silver medal.
[Axiom of Choice]
\ak' see em ev chois'\
n. ('02) A diabolical device used in the torture of innocent spheres, capable of cutting up sets arbitrarily with no regard to their volume.
[bagel man]
\bay' gel man'\
n. ('01) A sessile, edible, humanoid life form.
\be nan' e\
n. ('00) A brittle, green-brown object; air freshener; locus of spontaneous generation.
n. ('00) A fruit that may be Jensened if held correctly.
n. ('01) A gold medal.
n. ('01) A device for enumerating certain functions defined on sets of lattice points.
[base case]
\bays' kays'\
n. ('02) Object that are all belong to us.
\bay' sih ke lee\
\bay' sih klee\
interj. ('01) Signals the beginning of a proof.
\bihz' hahp\
n. ('00) A piece in the game of Bughouse that moves diagonally.
[Bjorn's Theorem]
\byohrnz' theer' em\
n. ('01) The projective dual of the inverse of the Mostly-Thick Circle Theorem.
\AAAAHHH!!!' wah' ter!!!\
adj. ('00) A deadly wing flavor.
n. ('03) What Yan says to make fun of people playing a perfectly reasonable card game in Japan.
n. ('03) The name for a 5-person Bridge game invented to make Yan shut up.
interj. ('01) Yeah.
[booga booga]
\boog' uh boog' uh\
n. ('00) Mao rule. Congruence modulo 5.
\bos' terd\
n. ('02) Taktin's name for Josh Lim, esp. in Diplomacy.
n. ('02) Josh Lim's name for Taktin, esp. in Diplomacy.
\baht' el\
n. ('01) A finger trap.
[Brianchon's Theorem]
\bree an' chenz theer' em\
n. ('01) Projective dual of [Pascal's Theorem].
punc. ('01) Separates two independent clauses in the game of Associations.
\buf' e lo\
n. ('01) A large land mammal.
vt. ('01) To intimidate, as in "buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo".
[buffalo generating function]
\buf' e lo jehn' e rait ing funk' shen\
n. The function b(x) = x(x2 - 1)2/(x2 + x - 1)2 = x + 2x2 + 3x3 + 6x4 + 11x5 + 20x6 + 36x7 + 64x8 + 113x9 + 198x10 + ..., which generates the number of possible interpretations of the sentence "buffalo buffalo ... buffalo" of length n.
\buh' shi'\
interj. ('01) Same thing as in English.
[Bulgarian compass]
\buhl gair' ee en kuhm' pes\
n. ('01) A compass, one of whose components is Bulgaria.
\bunch' eeng\
n. ('00) The process of massive [AM-GM].
syn. ('00) [Donkey bunching].
\boo nee uh kahv' skee\
\boo nuh kow' skee\
n. ('01) The Romanian name for [Cauchy].
[busy beaver]
\bihz' ee bee' ver\
n. ('01) An active member of the genus Castor.
n. ('01) A function from N to N that grows ludicrously fast.
\buht' en\
n. ('01) Push my [brick] halibut injure.
\kal' i mass'\
n. ('01) A US state that borders both the Pacific coast and the Atlantic coast; noted for its disproportionate population of MOPpers.
\kan' dee land'\
n. ('00) The residence of Mr. Fat, Mr. Taf, and Mr. =), filled with painted sidewalks, candy bars, dried fruit, and positive integers.
n. ('00) The residence of Tiankai (who's been abducted by Zuming!!!), Philips Exeter Academy.
\kat' f*** er\
n. ('00) The lowest rank in Capitalism; a conscientious objector to the conservatism of the social order.
n. ('00) One who practices a particularly straining form of animal husbandry.
\koh' shee\
n. ('00) The Cauchy-Schwarz inequality.
n. ('00) A god worshipped by Yan.
vt. ('00) To apply the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality.
ant. ('00) [AM-GM].
\chok' bohrd\
n. ('01) A vehicle for random scribblings. (See also: [whiteboard].)
n. ('00) A variant of Ping where certain moves are illegal.
n. ('01) A variant of Quantum Chess in which pieces are only allowed to be on one square at a time.
n. ('01) A variant of Atomic Chess in which the level of violence is reduced.
\chh hee'\
\see' high'\
interj. ('00) An exclamation of the joy of Lawrence Detlor in 1998.
interj. ('00) An exclamation of the joy of the Lawrence Detlor-Austin Shapiro construct, for as long as it lasts.
syn. ('00) [W'hu].
ant. ('00) [D'oh].
[circular definition]
\sir' kue ler def' i nish' en\
n. ('00) See: [circular definition].
n. ('01) A prize awarded to acknowledge creative scratchwork.
n.pl. ('00) Hearts.
[complex conjugate roots]
\kom' plehks kon' je get roots'\
n.pl. ('01) A pair of hot dates, one of each gender.
[computer lab]
\kem pyoo' ter lab'\
n. ('02) A facility whose real purpose is entirely misunderstood by the UNL staff.
\ken sult'\
vt. ('01) To receive advice on a [MOP Test] write-up.
vt. ('01) To give advice on a [MOP Test] write-up.
[Corollary to the Square Table Theorem]
n. ('02) Theorem that states: You don't need food. (See: [Square Table Theorem].)
[cubic interpolation]
\kyoo' bihk ihn ter' pe lay' shen\
n. ('02) A method utterly unsuitable for the determination of elevator floor numbers.
\kyoo' kuhm ber\
n. ('00) Best pagan god, after Anders.
\ker' fyoo\
?. ('00) Definition unknown; some MOPpers have a recollection of a relation between this, going to sleep and Zuming.
\cush' en\
n. ('00) A part of a couch to sit on.
n. ('00) An ineffective weapon.
n. ('00) See: [pillow].
n. ('01) A geological formation noted for sparsity of vowels.
n. ('00) Place. River rapids.
n. ('00) A word search game invented at MOP and named after the most interesting word formed during trial runs.
\dan ahn' dren\
n. ('03) A triexistant entity composed of Daniel, Anders, and Aaron.
n. ('02) Tiankai's final source of pleasure, which (like the primary and secondary) will hopefully occur while sleeping. See also: [sex], [math].
\dihk' she nair' ee\
n. ('01) A random collection of inside jokes.
[differential equations]
\dif' e rehn' shel e kway' zhens\
n. ('01) A math course slightly higher than Algebra I.
\dihl' doh\
n. ('00) Friendly, non-carbon-based life.
\di plo' me ches'\
n. ('00) A game winnable by Dani Kane. (also: Amazons)
\di wide'\
n. ('01) To [murderply] by a reciprocal.
[duct tape]
\duhkt' taip\
n. ('00) A weapon of real (or imaginary) pranks.
n. ('00) Personification of an area.
n., pron., vt., adj., interj. ('02) The most versatile word in the teenage male's vocabulary.
[dude theory]
\dood' theer' ee\
n. ('00) A theory of areas.
pron. ('01) The unsurprising winner of a competition.
\duhm' as\
n. ('00) A method from Kiran's lecture used for solving inequalities (comes with lifetime guarantee).
n. ('00) Idiot.
n. ('00) A person who chooses to utilize a time-consuming yet trusty method to solve a mathematical exercise, in lieu of a more inspired yet much better concealed method.
n. ('01) A state of mind often entered by problem solvers.
n. ('02) A method that does not work on certain evil inequalities of high degree, in spite of Kiran's lifetime guarantee.
ant. ('00) [smartass].
[dysfunctional equation]
\dis funk' shen el e kway' zhen\
n. ('01) A functional equation with no solutions.
\dihs lehk' see e\
n. ('01) A small country, led by a gerbil, which nonetheless won the [ELMO].
\ehl' e vay ter\
n. ('00) A place for playing Molecule.
[Eleventh Commandment]
\e lehv' enth ke mand' ment\
n. ('02) The First Commandment mod 10.
n. ('02) "Thou shalt not have two arrows pointing to the same number."
[eleventh floor]
\e lehv' enth flor'\
n. ('02) An extension of the girls' bathroom containing the entire female population of MOP.
\el' moh\
n. ('00) abbr. Easy Little Math Olympiad, Ex-experimental Lincoln Math Olympiad, etc.
n. ('00) A cute, fuzzy, lovable, red Sesame Street character.
n. ('02) abbr. Extremely Last-Minute Olympiad.
n. ('00) abbr. End of proof.
n. ('00) An end of proof symbol.
[fake announcements]
\fayk e nouns' ments\
n.pl. ('02) Accounts of the goings-on at MOP that, although fictional, still give a better idea of the atmosphere at MOP than the real announcements do.
[Fantasy Game]
\fan' te see gaym'\
n. ('02) An exercise in which the supreme weirdness that abides in the minds of MOPpers is fully revealed.
\fah' ther\
n. ('02) See: [Chuck].
syn. ('02) [mother].
\fer' gee\
n. ('02) Jason Ferguson.
n. ('02) An act of stupidity above and beyond the call of duty; usually committed by Jason Ferguson.
\fer mah'\
\fer' met\
n. ('00) Either the little creator of theorems (see: [Titu]) or the creator of little theorems.
n. ('02) A place where agents may be compromised.
[First Corollary to the Round Table Theorem]
n. ('02) Theorem that states: If there are n trays at a round table and [Riz]/e starts reciting the [Sarah Dessert], there will soon be n - many. (See: [Round Table Theorem].)
\fool' proof\
adj. ('01) Unable to be broken by fools.
\fooz' bahl\
n. ('00) A game in the Selleck Mushroom that Dave Shin loves to play. (See: [mad skillz].)
n. ('00) A game in the Selleck Mushroom that kills your hands when you lift up the table to get the foosballs back.
\fohr' ni kayt\
vi. ('00) To type (darn auto-correct).
vi. ('00) To sit.
vi. ('00) To speak. (The last one in particular may cause a lot of trouble for unwitting Word users... imagine a guy giving a talk at a convention starting off with "The reason why I've come to fornicate to you today is...")
\frihz' bee\
n. ('01) Second avatar of Mike Hamburg; carried Dan Jerison to the south pole.
\gas' tre pod\
n. ('00) Gabriel.
n. ('00) A snail or slug.
[George's Maneuver]
\jorj' ez me noo' ver\
n. ('01) A [shrotum] that looks like a zoom.
n. ('01) A nonexistent entity in Silent Football.
n. ('01) Something Anders never pokes for a scare.
n. ('01) The rule-maker in Eleusis.
[Harry's Shoes]
\hair' eez shooz'\
n. ('01) A store with which Lawrence Detlor has no connection.
\haz' er des ness\
n. ('01) A function from the set of all strings on an alphabet of 3 letters to the positive reals.
\heh ge mon' ee us\
adj. ('00) Habitating the huger of two homogeneous hordes; hence, having hegemony; in particular: unbalanced two-to-one, as when two of three binary strings contain a 0 or 1 in some digit, but the third string does not. (From a MOP [homework] problem.)
[Hilbert's Theorem]
\hil' bertz theer' em\
n. ('01) A simple corollary to Hildegard's Theorem; like Hildegard's Theorem, often useful when nothing else seems to work.
n. ('01) A container for a pigeon.
\hohm' werk\
n. ('02) Obsolete; see: [team contest].
\he mop' e tee\
n. ('00) The application of a [homothety] to the word "MOP".
\he moth' e tee\
n. ('00) A size change about a point.
n. ('00) White powder distributed in Zip-loc baggies and "used" (esp. by Luke) in the laundry rooms.
n. ('00) See: [knight].
pron. ('02) 2·[Riz]/p.
pron. ('02) [Riz]/e.
\id' ee et\
n. ('01) An ingenious person who carries around infinitely many tools.
[Inna's room]
\ee' nuhz room'\
n. ('01) The natural habitat of Neil.
[insane ordering]
\ihn sain' or' der eeng\
n. ('03) The tabulation of a peer pressure position obtained by listing the owners of the cards in ascending order.
\ihn vert'\
vi., vt. ('00) To turn a Cartesian plane inside out; a useful method for solving circular geometry exercises or catching Tiankais.
\eyer' lend\
n. ('00) A wellspring of risible trivialities.
\eye sos' e leez\
adj. ('00) Having two equal edges; a strict generalization of "triangular".
\jay' wok' eeng\
n. ('02) Susan B. Anthony's anti-drug.
n. ('02) The activity that Chuck is most likely to do.
vt. ('00) To tease.
\juhg' gleeng\
n. ('02) The art of throwing balls in the air over and over without dropping any.
\kahm' el shal oh\
adj. ('00) Not kamaldeep.
\ke nihg' et\
n. ('00) A piece in the game of Bughouse that moves two squares forward and one square sideways.
[Lagrange multipliers]
\le grahnj' mer' de ply' ers\
n. ('00) A method of brute force for constrained inequalities.
\lap' top\
n. ('01) A nonexistent entity on which one cannot play games.
vt. ('03) To assimilate information into Mathematica.
\lihk' ee\
n. ('02) Alternative proposed name for [Riz]; it was decided that "Riz" was the better name.
interj. ('02) Peanut butter.
\lohr' ents\
n. ('01) Guide for the Netherlands at IMO 2001.
vi. ('00) To engage in boneheaded persecution of innocents.
\me faht' ihk\
adj. ('00) Of a townsperson or police inspector, behaving in the manner of the Mafia.
adj. ('00) Failed attempt at the adjective form of "mafia." Deprecated; see: [mafious].
\mah' fee es\
adj. ('00) Mafia-like.
\may' jer ize\
vt. ('00) To have the same sum but larger partial sums in comparison with another series.
vt. ('00) To overpower.
n. ('01) Tiankai's secondary source of pleasure, which (like the primary) occurs while sleeping. See also: [sex], [death].
\meh' te non ihg zis' tent\
adj. ('01) Fictional in the context of an already nonexistent universe.
\mined' mehlt' eeng\
adj. ('00) Of a card game, demanding lightning reflexes, and unwinnable by MOPpers in competition with AG-AM.
n. ('01) A summer program at which everything is mocked.
\mol' e kyool'\
n. ('02) A rave performed to elevator music while high on [math] or [Mountain Dew].
\mon gohl' ee uh\
n. ('00) The country where the cancellation of the IMO instilled fear into companies and forced them to give Kiran money for IMO 2001.
\mon goh' lee e stan'\
n. ('02) A winner of the Color Country game.
[MOP Test]
\mop' test\
n. ('00) Melanie's primary source of sleep.
n. ('01) A variant of Mao in which one is allowed to ask questions for the first half hour.
\mohp' er\
n. ('02) One who mopes.
\mop' er\
n. ('00) A participant in the Math Olympiad Program. Despite its simplicity, this word is often misspelled; see: [MOSPer], [MOPer], [MOPster].
\mop' ster\
n. ('02) (Vulgar slang) A highly insulting epithet for the participants of MOP.
[Morley triangle]
\mohr' lee try' ayng gel\
n. ('00) Order sprung from chaos; proof of the existence of the universe and the existence of art.
n. ('01) The official (but incorrect) name for [MOK].
n. ('00) A cross between a moth and a wasp.
n. ('02) abbr. Math Olympiad Stalker Program.
\mosp' er\
n. ('03) One who hunts [mosp]s.
\mosp' er\
n. ('02) Oh, please.
\muhth' er\
n. ('02) See: [Chuck].
syn. ('02) [father].
\moh' te vayt\
vt. ('00) To equip with an anthropomorphism of the Creation.
[Mountain Dew]
\moun' ten doo'\
n. ('02) The "Good Stuff"; the only substance on which Toto will ever get high.
[Mr. Dictator]
\mihs' ter dihk' tay ter\
\mihs' ter rihch' erd spuhd'\
n. ('00) The leader of a silent football game.
n. ('00) See: [Zuming].
n. ('01) The god of computer access.
[muffin man]
\muhf' ihn man'\
n. ('01) A hot date who lives on Drury lane and is claimed by some (e.g. Inna) to be less well known than [complex conjugate roots].
\muhr' der ply'\
vt. ('00) To multiply.
vt. ('00) To murder.
n. ('00) A really bad joke.
n. ('00) A screw-up.
n. ('00) Augmentation by three.
vi. ('00) To perform a screw-up.
interj. ('00) Exclamation of glee, due to augmentation by three.
n. ('00) One whose interests run counter to the design of Mischief; esp. (presumably) a hostile invader from the Neihardt front desk.
adj. ('00) Austinglish for "awesome".
adj. ('00) New and refreshing, as when n girls trade lots of Pokeballs in IMO shortlist problems and every girl gets a different one from the one she started with.
ant. ('00) [tiresome].
interj. ('00) Originally a set of ghost letters.
[nuclear launch]
\noo' klee er launch'\
\noo' kyoo ler launch'\
n. ('00) A three term arithmetic sequence.
\ob vee ahs' ih tee\
n. ('01) A trivial assertion, esp. one incorrectly labeled as a theorem.
\ob' vee es land\
n. ('00) A place where everything can be done without proof.
ant. ('00) [Turkey].
\ohr' ihnj\
n. ('00) A pair of [pear]s; equivalently, a group of four [apple]s.
n. ('01) A bronze medal.
n. ('01) A bowling ball.
n. ('01) A bowling pin.
n., adj. ('00) The color of Oaz.
n., adj. ('00) The color of Oaz's hair once.
n., adj. ('00) The color of Oaz's sister's hair now.
n. ('00) A pair of [apple]s.
[paper dart]
\pay' per dart'\
n. ('02) A conical projectile made of wood pulp, which is blown through a tube at a sheet of paper to determine the weirdness of various IMO team members.
[Pascal's Theorem]
\pa skalz' theer' em\
n. ('01) Projective dual of [Brianchon's Theorem].
[Pell equation]
\pehl' e kway' zhen\
n. ('01) A Diophantine equation that is not of the form x2 = 5y2 + 4.
\pehp' er\
n. A stimulant that, when ingested, impedes one's ability to play Erf.
n. ('00) The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter; approx. 3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510.
n. ('00) The Greek letter p.
\peek' e choo\
n. ('00) AAAAAAHHH!!!
\poh' ih tree\
n.pl. ('02) Writings suitable for reciting while [juggling].
\poh poh vee' choo\
n. ('01) An inequality used in the manufacture of popcorn.
vt. ('01) Something that people who know they're MOPpers do.
n. ('00) A pawn behaving like a rook in a game of Proxy Chess.
vt. ('00) [Zuminglish] for prove.
vt. ('01) To prove using murderplication (see: [murderply]).
[primitive root]
\prihm' ih tihv root'\
n. ('00) Adam of the reduced residue class; object of the clergy's science and the laity's faith.
\proh' nown\
n. ('00) A heinous part of speech.
\soo' doh veht\
n. ('03) A MOPper in 2003 who was in the Red or Yellow group in 2002.
[public announcement]
\puhb' lihk e nowns' ment\
n. ('00) A speech by Yan, esp. "WHAZZUP!?".
\push' uhp\
n. ('01) A unit of gambling currency.
n. ('01) 1/15 of a hint.
n. ('02) A penalty for incorrect proofs that increases exponentially.
\kwahg' e\
n. ('01) An extinct horse-like mammal with stripes on half of its body.
[rat screw]
\rat' skroo\
n. ('00) Hand screw.
\ree duhn' dent\
adj. ('00) See: [redundant]. See: [redundant]. See: [Dani].
\ree' jent\
n. ('01) One who exercises dictatorial powers during the absence of the customary dictator (see: [Mr. Dictator]).
[Riemann Chess]
\ree' mahn ches'\
n. ('01) A variant of [Chess] in which one must prove the [Riemann Hypothesis] before moving.
[Riemann Hypothesis]
\ree' mahn hye poth' e sihs\
n. ('01) A calculus problem rejected for use on the rookie [team contest].
n. ('02) A bisexual coexistent entity consisting of Riz/e (Liz Marcil) and 2·Riz/p (Ricky Biggs) that creates great difficulty with [pronoun] usage (see: [Rizself]).
\rihz self'\
pron. ('02) Reflexive [pronoun] for [Riz].
[Round Table Theorem]
n. ('00) Whenever n trays are placed on a round table in the Selleck dining hall, there's always room for n + 1. (See also: [First Corollary to the Round Table Theorem], [Second Corollary to the Round Table Theorem], [Square Table Theorem].)
\ruhn' za\
n. ('00) A type of rolled sandwich-like dumpling, endemic to Nebraska, whose contents are unknown yet appetizing.
[Sarah Dessert]
\sair' e de zert'\
n. ('02) A place inhabited by mummies who travel by Camelot.
\skool' werk\
n. ('01) An article that may not be transported into Lincoln.
\skiz' ers\
n. ('00) Implement of psychological torture. (cf. cigar)
[Second Corollary to the Round Table Theorem]
n. ('02) Theorem that states: If there are n people at a round table, k of whom are males who ate dinner with Max Rosmarin on Saturday June 22, and Max comes to the table, there will soon be n - k + 1 (the 1 is Max). (See: [Round Table Theorem].)
n. ('01) Tiankai's primary source of pleasure. See also: [math], [death].
n. ('01) A math competition that dyslexics take in Febraury.
n.pl. ('00) Has anyone seen mine?! —JB
n.pl. ('00) Ping-pong paddles.
n.pl. ('00) Really, has anyone seen my shoes?!
\shroh tem\
n., interj. ('00) An exclamation of unaccountability.
\sihm' sen\
n. ('00) See: [Simson line].
n. ('00) See: [W'hu].
[Simson line]
\sim' sen line\
n. ('00) See: [W'hu].
\sketch' ee\
adj. ('00) Questionable; unscrupulous; titillating.
[Smash Bros. tournament]
n. ('02) Totally unorganized thing of infinite duration.
syn. ('02) [Mario Tennis tournament].
n. ('00) Josh's mascot.
n. ('02) [Riz]/e's boyfriend.
\smooth' eeng\
n. ('00) The process of using Jensen's inequality.
\span' se fer\
n. ('02) A coexistent entity consisting of Andrew Spann and Eric Stansifer.
\spoon' del\
n. ('00) A spoonlike serving utensil.
n. ('00) A unit of dry measure equal to the volume of such a utensil.
[Square Table Theorem]
n. ('02) Theorem that states: You don't need trays. (See also: [Corollary to the Square Table Theorem], [Round Table Theorem].)
\stahr' pach' eez\
n. ('01) A hapless victim of a case of mistaken identities.
[super magic box]
\soo' per maj' ik box'\
n. ('01) A technique that would solve [Pell equation]s if anyone could remember how to use it.
n. ('00) abbr. [Dyslexia].
\tay' bel\
n. ('00) A MOPper habitat with an arbitrarily large carrying capacity. (See: [Round Table Theorem].)
n. ('02) A subset of the plane, to be tiled with as many trays as possible.
n. ('02) A place where male MOPpers do not want to eat dinner with Max Rosmarin. (See: [Second Corollary to the Round Table Theorem].)
[team contest]
\teem' kon' test\
n. ('02) The reason why nobody did their [homework].
[thank you]
\thank' yoo\
interj. ('01) A heinous Silent Football expression.
interj. ('01) Please stop giving me penalty cards!
\tee' eye' nine' tee too'\
n. ('01) A Turing-machine emulator.
\tee an' kye\
adj. ('02) Everyone's favorite wing flavor.
\tihg' er\
n. ('00) Hostage of [AM-GM] girl.
n. ('00) There's only one.
\tee' too\
n. ('00) The leader of MOP and the IMO team.
n. ('00) A lecturer who coincidentally happens to be the leader of MOP and the IMO team.
[Titu Andreescu]
\tee' too on dreh ehs' koo\
\tee' too an jrehs' koo\
n. ('00) I don't know what it is but you better Run, it educates! (Anagrammatic thanks to Mike Khoury on this one.)
[Torricelli's Meanness Principle]
n. ('01) States that one must be alive in order to be mean.
n. ('00) abbr. Trigonometry.
n. ('02) Something that should be moved. For great justice.
[trivial board game]
\trihv' ee el bohrd' gaim'\
n. ('03) A game that is played on a trivial board, e.g. [Chess].
\vah' mo nos\
interj. ('01) Lunchtime!
\ver' jih mass'\
n. ('02) [Riz]'s home state.
[water balloon]
\wo' ter be loon'\
n. ('02) Instrument in Toto's devious plan to soak Pinyan; the plan was secretly approved by Chuck.
n. ('02) Item of which Alex Schwendner claimed to have 100; promptly sold out at the campus store as a result.
n. ('02) Instrument of Chuck's doom in the hands of Luke on the last day of MOP.
[West Virginia]
\weeeeeeeaaaast' verrrr' jihn' ye'\
n. ('02) Origin of Chuck.
syn. ('02) [Hicksville].
\wite' bord\
n. ('02) A convenience that UNL has provided for doodling; unfortunately, unaccompanied by a sufficient supply of markers. (See also: [chalkboard].)
\we hoo'\
interj. ('00) What could potentially have been an exclamation of the joy of Homer, had spelling been ever so slightly different. Known as the "[Simson line]".
syn. ('00) [C'hi].
ant. ('00) [D'oh].
\wom' bat\
n. ('00) A creature that is always coming but never comes when spades are played in Mao.
n. ('01) Well-Ordering Principle.
n. ('01) Winter Olympiad Program.
n. ('01) The co-coolest thing ever, tied with [math].
n. ('01) The letter Y.
n. ('01) A point in the complex plane equal to Lawrence and Austin.
\ehks' rayt ed\
adj. ('02) Tiankai bait.
interj. ('00) An exclamation said by Yan when [Cauchy] is good to him.
interj. ('00) Mao rule. A prime number.
[Yensen's inequality]
\yehn' senz ihn' e kwahl' ih tee\
n. ('01) The same thing as Jensen's inequality.
[your mom]
\yohr mahm'\
interj. ('01) A device for filling conversational voids. See also: [dude], [like].
\zag' nuht\
n. ('00) A socially mobilizing, albeit non-alcoholic, confection.
n. ('01) The last letter of the British alphabet.
n. ('02) A letter of the alphabet that no Canadian can resist saying.
[zero ring]
\zeer' oh reeng\
n. ('00) The ring consisting of 0 (i.e. {0}).
n. ('00) A place.
n. ('00) A paradox.
[zeta duck]
\zay' te duhk'\
n. ('01) An example of convergent evolution between waterfowl and Greek letters.
[Zum room]
\zoom' room\
n. ('00) Zuming's room.
\zoom' bot\
n. ('00) One of the many evil clones of Zuming.
n. ('00) Mao rule. A proper divisor.
\zoom' buhg\
n. ('00) Effigy of [Zumbot], burned in the courtyard on the last night of MOP.
\zoom' eeng glihsh\
n. ('00) Language spoken by Zuming.