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MOP 2004 Group Picture


From front to back, left to right:
1st: Sherry Gong, Stephen Giandomenico, Linda Liu, Illan Levy, Tiankai Liu, Po-Ling Loh, Yakov Berchenko-Kogan, Qin Jing, Debbie Loh
2nd: Mikhail Lavrov, Alison Miller, Maria Monks, Aaron Jones, Daniel Poore, Michael Viscardi, Tedrick Leung, Alex Schwendner, Inna Zakharevich
3rd: William Johnson, Andrew Geng, Zhou Fan, Rishi Gupta, Yi Sun, Livia Zarnescu, Timothy Black, Ryan Ko, John Kim, Po-Shen Loh
4th: Andrew Chien, Tianren Qi, Matt Ince, Henry Tung, Arnav Tripathy, Charles Chen, Tony Zhang, Brian Lawrence, Chris Juell
5th: Aaron Pollack, Hyun-Soo Kim, Jae Bae, Ryan Hodgson, Ameya Velingker, Thomas Mildorf, Oleg Rudenko, Daniel Li, Jongmin Baek, Alex Saltman
6th: Jason Trigg, Thomas Belulovich, Aaron Pixton, Eric Price, Anders Kaseorg, John Pardon, Robert Cordwell, Oleg Golberg, Po-Ru Loh, Joshua Horowitz, Ricky Liu
7th: Steve Dunbar, Brian Rice, Joshua Batson, Richard McCutchen, Adam Hesterberg, Chuck Straley, Zuming Feng, Mark Lipson, Gregory Price, Reid Barton

This website is maintained by Anders Kaseorg.